Kamusta & Welcome
(Hello) in Tagalog
I'm Marie ♥
I l♥ve helping others and I love L♥VE! What better way to put those together than helping two individuals become ONE. Viola! Agape Events and Beyond was created.
I became a wedding coordinator in 2017, but started as a caterer of baked goods (cakes, cupcakes, and anything desserts) in 2009. I use my professional skills to help make the planning process an easy-going, stress-free, as well as making the experience fun. I offer guidance to create a memorable day, a quality-over-quantity mentality, and an authentic opinion on your options.
On my free time, you'll find me running around with my husband and our two Doods, Flanagan & Thaddeus. I am an avid traveler via road trips. I enjoy coordinating doodle meet ups, running, hiking, wine and tea tasting. I'm also big on everything and anything DIY. I'm a firm believer that aiming for the stars isn't far enough, aim higher. Therefore, I try not to limit myself and what I am capable of. In turn, I share that aspiration with my clients.
Don't be shy and say Kamusta!